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"University learning is essential, but practical experience takes your ability to deliver outcomes to another level. This is where I've learned to fix things other Physios can’t fix."


Qualifications are important for sure, but there’s more to making people better than just University learning.

There are things you find out about performance and recovery… and even body repair by being involved, really involved... and it takes years. Many years.


I’ve learned more from being a rider; being injured; working with cyclists; and even just working in a busy practice that I own than I have in four years of Uni.


So here’s the foundation. This is your assurance that you get quality support.

• Bachelor of Exercise science, 

• Master of Physiotherapy ( GEM) 

• Master of Clinical Physiotherapy ( Manipulative Physiotherapy) 

• Grad.Diploma.  Spinal Manual Therapy. 

• APA Level 3 Sports Physiotherapists. 

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John Kingston

Master of Physiotherapy

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But here’s where the real knowledge comes from.

This is where miracles happen… ok that might be a stretch! Experience at the coal face means better performance; faster recovery; and a greater likelihood of the optimum outcomes for everything else.


John's a rider, but we’ll get to that. He's had a couple of decades with athletes in general. I won’t bore you with the detail, but here’s some background that will help.


Physiotherapist to multiple elite road, track and mtb athletes. 

• Appointed Head Physiotherapist for Redbull Hardline 

​• Primary Carer for Karana Netball Team  for 5 years,   â€‹

​• Head Physio for Hobart Chargers basketball team

​• Physio for AIS representative basketball teams.

​• Coached and trained a number of  elite track/road cyclists including National and State champions.

​• Ran NRS road team, Cycotix


John also founded Revive Motional Health, Hobart's first truly multidisciplinary allied health clinic. When he isn't working on or with athletes, John's in-clinic work is focused largely on treating chronic back and neck pain and helping patients with difficult to diagnose and treat conditions. 

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The Biking. Power... Speed... Flexibility... Recovery.

John raced… for a couple of decades, mostly on the road and on the track (so he has some insights on power production and output) but predominantly as a TasCarnivals track rider. He doesn’t like hills… not going up them that is. Down is another matter all together!


So naturally he swapped to mountain biking. Enduro  and Downhill mainly.  That was about 7 years ago, mainly to ride with his son, but that turned into a bit of an obsession and eventually the family became so involved with going fast downhill that they moved to Maydena!  He still rides the MTB every day as well as the odd DH race. Initially, to encourage his son... then just to keep up... and now… well lets just say his son is the one doing the encouraging. 


His involvement in the sport and living at Maydena has given him the opportunity to get to know  and treat a number of elite MTB racers and to help them recover from injuries as well as improve their performance.


Keep an eye out for the clinic. Go straight past the bar… do not stop… you can have a drink later.

Body first… beer when you're done! Make a Booking!

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